Version History

v.  2.1.11

- Input a frame timings in Timeline screen (using TopSlides list)

- Translation (saving the presentation).  Fixed.
- TimelineScreen performance (move/resize slides) minor bug.  Fixed.
- Output video volume bug.  Fixed.


v.  2.1.10

- Video-audio sync problem
- Hinge effect
- PDF export for large presentations

v. 2.1.9

- Publishing presentation [saveLastFrame error]
- Publishing with un-synched slides

v.  2.1.8

- Save a new presentation
- Create a presentation from text

v. 2.1.7

- PDF export with custom backgrounds
- Saving presentations can crush Dashboard and a presentation
- Recording voice: autoscroll to the slide

v 2.1.6

- Presentation without allocated slides
- Validate license bug fixed

v 2.1.5

- Record audio (resize scene)
- Publish video with a transparency custom theme

v 2.1.4

- EditSlidesScreen: text align
- EditSlidesScreen: text thumbnail updating
- Perfomance improvements

v 2.1.3

-Slide animation effects: FlipOutX, FlipInX;
-Export logs directly to ZIP (Help ~> Compress (ZIP)) logs);

v. 2.1.2

*Slide animation effects:
- Hinge, RollIn, RollOut
* Publishing: audio with invalid timings

v. 2.1.1

Slide animation effects:
- Pulse
- BounceIn
- BounceOut
- ZoomIn
- ZoomOut

v. 2.1.0

* "Pulse" slide animation effect
* Publish: empty video file - Fixed.

v.  2.0.14

* Timeline: loading large audio tracks minor bug.  Fixed.
* Import audio: use less memory.  Fixed.
* Zoom freezing minor bug.  Fixed.
* Publishing for users with non-ASCII names minor bug.  Fixed.
* Audio recording - empty Start Popup (no mic) minor bug.  Fixed.
* TextToSpeech: handling IOError bug.  Fixed.

v. 2.0.13

* Record Voice GUI update
* Timeline: remove empty sounds.  Fixed.
* PDF converting freeze on 100%.  Fixed.

v. 2.0.12

* PDF export for large presentations bug fixed.

v. 2.0.11

* Publishing : long metadata writing causing crashes of the video file;  Fixed.
* Timeline : maximum zoom for large presentations updated.  Fixed.
* Timeline : slides moving/resizing glitches.  Fixed.
* Timeline : audio tracks moving/resizing glitches.  Fixed.

v. 2.0.9

* Text-To-Speech service errors handling.    Fixed.
* Timeline: moving/resizing slides causing minor errors.  Fixed.
* Timeline: invisible slides not showing up. Fixed.
* Timeline: slides more than 100 causing minor error.  Fixed.
* EditSlides screen: swap slides causing wrong location of slide.  Fixed.

v. 2.0.8

* PDF export (Dashboard ~> Presentation ~> To PDF)
* Text-To-Speech for large amounts of text

v. 2.0.7

* Select which computer microphone to use in Record Audio screen
* publish presentation with transitions;
* audio sync with video;
v. 2.0.5
  • Revamped v.2 Timeline Editor -  with Multi-Layer support, Audio Volume Control, Timeline Snapping, Zooming, and Splitting Tracks
  • Text-to-Speech
  • Built-In Audio Recording -  Record your Audio directly inside EasyVSL’s Timeline step
  • Quick Key Shortcuts
- Timeline:
Ctrl + M :  sync the next slide
Spacebar : Play/Pause audio
- Editor Step:
Ctrl + N :   Add New General Slide
Ctrl + O:    Add New Video Slide
Ctrl + X:  Redo
Ctrl + Z:  Undo Minor
Bug Fixes
-  publishing bug that created “critical error” message
-  log update


v. 1.3.20 * New Feature:
- Added the ability to add/remove a Custom Background Theme to the Design Library.
* Bug fixes:
- Audio tracks bug when ordering tracks

v. 1.3.19

* Bug fixes:
- Alef font bug fixed.
- Bug fixed that will reset Audio Marker to 00:00 when zooming in.
v. 1.3.18

Release Notes:

* New Feature
- UNDO/REDO for Edit Slides screen.  You can now easily undo or redo your edits within the editor by clicking the undo/redo icon.
* Bug fixes:
- duplicate slide with a background causing slide issues.  Fixed.
- exporting a presentation with unsupported characters in the title caused crashes.  Fixed.
- Audio import is now improved and much faster for larger files.

v. 1.3.17

Release Notes:
- Added built-in support button within the app.
- Timeline Screen/Edit Slide screens now save the previously used zoom and scroll positions when moving from one screen to another.
- Fixed minor bug when adding text to a slide
- Set OpenSans as a default font

v.  1.3.16

* Bug fixes:
- Added Alef font for the PRO plan.

v. 1.3.15

* Bug fixes:
- Slide Duration error on the last slide causing publishing issues with a few users.
* New Feature
- Added "Duplicate Slide" feature in Edit Slides section.  Right-mouse-click on the slide you would like to duplicate.

v. 1.3.13

* Bug fixes:
- audio marker

  v. 1.3.12:

* Bug fixes:
- audio freezing
- audio insterting
v. 1.3.11 :
Release Notes:
* New Features:
- Slide Restrictions Mechanism
- Auto-Align Slides
* Bug fixes:
- audio snapping - audio publish
- import presentation

v 1.3.9

* New Features:
- Increase Volume for the video slide (0%...200%)
-"Alef" Hebrew font added
* Bug fixes:
- Works on devices without a sound card
- Audio snapping fix
- Update popup bug fix


Release Notes:
* New Feature Add-Ons:
    - Layering of Text and Image blocks.  Bring forward/backward each block by using mouse context menu (right click on mouse)
    - Saving zoom/position/scroll of the timeline
    - Smooth Scroll to a Slide
* Bug fixes:
    -duplicate a presentation fix.
    -translate a presentation fix.
    -import a presentation fix.
    -timeline duration bug fix.
    -audio tracks with a zero duration fix.

v 1.3.7 Release Notes:

1. New Feature: Custom background for a presentation.  You can now use a custom background on individual slides OR for all slides in bulk.
2. GUI impovements: Remove an audio track from the timeline with mouse-click (right click)

v 1.3.6 Release notes: 1. Fixed : import/export presentation bugs 2. GUI impovements v 1.3.2 release notes: IMPORTANT:  for this version, you MUST uninstall the old version 1st.  Then Install version 1.3.2.  If you do not uninstall, you will receive an error (see here). By uninstalling, all future updates will let you install them automatically. - Automatically Translate a VSL presentation to Any Language.  To translate a presentation, click the Settings icon for a presentation > choose Translate. - Audio Snapping on the timeline. - Import and Export VSL presentations.  Export an individual presentation from the Dashboard and Import a Presentation from the top navigation menu in the application. - Quick fix to an issue when an error occured while adding the first audio file -  Minor bug fixes. v 1.3.1 release notes: - added Insert video functionality.  Watch Video Training here - added Multiple audios functionality v 1.2.2 Release notes: - added functionality to add start/end offsets to the audio v 1.2.1 Release notes: - adds support to remove sound by clicking on Backspace button (which is also called Delete on Mac computers) v 1.2.0 Release notes:

  • added zoom-in/out buttons to timeline and removed zooming by mouse wheel
  • fixed memory leak on Timeline screen
  • changed a few labels and sizes of buttons on timeline screen
  • fixed the issue when play/pause button went to incorrect state when slide was clicked

v 1.1.3 Release notes:

  • added the ability to publish without audio
  • fixed the issue when stage was moved to the right beyond bounds of the app on timeline screen
  • removed separate Preview screen. Transitions are not supported in the Preview yet.  This allows for faster previewing to check audio syncing.

v 1.1.2 Release notes:

  • added more fonts (including Chinese, Japanese, Hebrew), up to 101 total
  • added notification messages during app bootstrapping
  • load fonts in chunks (the app should start  a bit quicker now)

v 1.1.1 Release notes:

  • added presentation renaming functionality
  • added new implementation of top app menu (Dictation can be used from within the app on Mac now)

v 1.1.0 Release notes:

  • added bulk actions functionality
  • added item align functionality
  • snapshots of slides are generated only for visible thumbnails now (speeds up the opening of the presentation from the dashboard)

v 1.0.16 Release notes:

  • fixed the issue when image file was deleted permanently from hard drive when user removed the item from slide, even if the presentation was not saved later.
  • fixed the issue when merging of videos could not be completed during publishing process when single quote was used in the path in file list

v 1.0.15 Release notes:

  • fix the issue when presentation with huge amount of slides could not be published
  • better memory management

v 1.0.14 Release notes:

  • fix to the issue when large images resulted in broken presentation file after saving
  • better memory management

v 1.0.13 Release notes:

  • added progress messages when generating transitions during publishing process
  • fixed the issue when presentation files were not deleted from disk drive
  • fixed the issue when default font was not selected on Design settings screen

v 1.0.12 Release notes:

  • fix to the critical error issue right after startup
  • memory optimization in slide snapshot helper (caused issues when moving to Edit slide screen in case of huge amount of slides)
  • added support for multiple audio formats     

v 1.0.10-1.0.11 Release notes: - Offline activation functionality.  This feature now fixes the "Cannot Connect to Server" errors occurring during software activation. v 1.0.9 Release notes:

  • added logging of http response code when connection to license server failed
  • fixed the issue when incorrect html entity code was used for quote character
  • fixed the issue when wrong format was calculated when text design item was selected
  • added more fonts (68 fonts are in platinum version now).

v1.0.8 Release notes:

  • fixed the issue when some special characters resulted in app crash when creating text design item
  • fixed type coercion error when working on Edit slides screen which resulted in app crash. Occurred when focus was moved from text item (in edit mode) to image.
  • fixed audio sync issue when publishing video
  • fixed the issue when timezone was not respected when showing the date of presentation creation on Dashboard           

v1.0.7 Release notes:

  • update DK license lib (added the fix when fault object was saved after the callback instead of before)
  • added the check if first 4 letters of registration key are "evsl"
  • added more logging messages
  • added the check before saving the presentation if new selected sound exists. If not, the presentation will not be saved.
  • fix to the issue when applying some format to selected text design item might drop some other formats. Currently, works only when editing the text design item (after double click). Still does not work when the whole design item is selected.
  • added support for both 32 and 64 bit ffmpeg

v1.0.6 Release notes:

  • added logging of fault during licensing process when no response received from the server
  • fixed the issue when spaces between words were not preserved when text is formatted.
  • added app format converter class to handle compatibility between saved presentations of different version
  • added more logging messages
  • fixed the issue when the app was stacked on publishing page when error occurred

v1.0.5 Release notes:

  • general fixes
  • added more log messages during activation/validation process
  • added key pattern on app activation screen
  • fixed logging issue when presentations have been loaded

v1.0.4 Release notes:

  • fixed slides sync issue
  • possible fix to the issue when users cannot publish videos (native porcess could not be started).
  • license key is trimmed now before sending to activation server
  • added log messages to update code

v1.0.3 Release notes:

  •  added logging functionality
  • added log messages to some bootstrap commands, design settings screen and publishing command
  • changed one error message during license activation process
  • added app top native menu with single item - Help>Open logs
  • added the ability to export the presentation
  • modified update code to check version as numbers and not strings
  • added log messages to update code

v1.0.1 Release notes:

  • fixed the issue when frame of newly added text design item changed when moving, causing text to be cut
  • fixed the issue when slide's theme was overridden by default presentation's theme when loading the presentation
  • fixed the issue when selecting slide or marker did not update the time label on timeline screen
  • added support for no transition between slides
  • fixed the issue when setting transition type did not mark the presentation as dirty
  • implemented finilize method to publishing command where resources are disposed and temp directory and files are deleted
  • added a bit more meaningful error messages during publishing process

v1.0.0 Release notes:

  • fixed the issue when selecting large audio files caused memory limits error
  • changed how presentation is saved. Separate folder is created for each presentation now.
  • sound file is saved with presentation now
  • fixed the issue when enter frame listener was not removed when resetting timeline screen causing nul point reference issue
  • added new checks when publishing and previewing the presentation
  • added validation checks on timeline screen
  • fixed the issue when selected marker on timeline screen was not unselected when corresponding slide was unselected
  • fixed the issue when the app becomes unresponsive sometimes when working on timeline screen.